
Posts Tagged ‘mental health’

Change Creators: Week Five

This week the Change Creators had 1-to-1 workshops to solidify the plans they had started making during their practical project management session in Week Four.

Ella, Andreea, Yelena and Chelsea, met up with Mena, KWMC’s Young People’s Programme Manager, and discussed their ideas about research, sensor technology and marketing in order to set deadlines and identify the actions they need to take to make their mental health campaign a success. They felt it was important to decide on a name for their campaign at this stage. After getting their creativity flowing their first idea was using a symbol that represents overcoming hardship: the semicolon. As the punctuation mark is used when a sentence could have ended but didn’t, the group agreed that it’s a symbol that shows positive change can happen when it comes to people’s lives. From there, the name came naturally: It’s okay;

After lots of discussion and enthusiasm, with tasks allocated for the next few months, the mental health campaign is ready to kick off!

This week the food waste team met Kerry McCarthy, the MP for East Bristol & Shadow Secretary for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, to discuss issues surrounding food waste within households and suppliers. They also met with Ali from Altitude Tech to further discuss ideas about how they could use sensing technologies in their campaign.

This week both groups were able to further their planning and preparation in order to launch their campaigns.


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