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Network for Creative Enterprise

The Network for Creative Enterprise was established to help creatives make a sustainable living from their creative ideas.

From 2017-2019 KWMC The Factory worked with The Guild (Coworking Bath)WatershedSpike Island and UWE Bristol to deliver a unique programme of tailored support for participants to further their business ideas, develop their working practices, make their businesses viable and sustainable, and increase their skills and confidence.

The programme supported freelance artists, creative practitioners, start-up micro-businesses, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in the West of England.

By bringing together expertise from fabrication to fine art and creative technology, the partner organisations of the NfCE were better able to share resources and offer tailored events, workshops and mentoring for individuals and small enterprises to support their business development from the idea stage through to start-up and on to growth.

The Factory supported 42 entrepreneurs through the NfCE programme.

NfCE culminated in the Ways of Working exhibition at KWMC. The exhibition featured products and work created by entrepreneurs and creatives who had received support through the NfCE and explored how they built their businesses: from the key milestones to the highs and lows, successes and failures.

Ways of Working exhibition photographs by Ibolya Feher.

Network for Creative Enterprise is a partnership with The Guild (Coworking Bath), Knowle West Media Centre, Spike Island, UWE Bristol and Watershed. It is funded by Arts Council England and the European Regional Development Fund.

Ways of Working Exhibition

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Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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