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Year of Can Do

Inspiring and celebrating positive community action in Bristol.

2020 was the Year of Can Do in Bristol – a year of activity to support positive action in communities across the city and recognise the many voluntary groups and individuals already doing amazing things.

The campaign was linked to the Can Do Bristol website – an online platform where Bristol residents and organisations can meet others interested in creating positive change, find volunteering opportunities, and offer support.

KWMC supported the Year of Can Do in several ways – despite the unexpected challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic!


The KWMC team worked with Bristol City Council and voluntary groups from across the city to coordinate a mini festival of workshops, events and free activities to give people a taste of voluntary and community activities already going on in Bristol’s neighbourhoods.

The festival took place just days before the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.  Activities run by local groups included workshops in community organising, cycle training, litter picks, performances and talks, and coaching sessions for young people.

Local Stories – Podcast Series

In the early months of 2020 we interviewed people from across Bristol for a special podcast series exploring the impact of volunteering on both volunteers and the people and communities they support.  Each episode focuses on a different organisation or group, with episodes profiling the Riverside Youth Project in St Pauls, the Bristol Co-operative Gym in Easton, and Refugee Women of Bristol.

The final podcasts will be available to listen to online soon.  The first episode, with Refugee Women of Bristol, was broadcast on local radio station BCfm in December 2020.

Local Stories – Online Films

During COVID-19 lockdown, our team supported the Community Development team at Bristol City Council to edit a series of short films for Volunteers’ Week, showcasing how communities were responding to the coronavirus outbreak from Brentry to Hartcliffe. You can watch the films below.

For more information about volunteering in Bristol or working with volunteers, visit the Can Do Bristol website.


Contact Us

Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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