WeCanMake is a community land trust and neighbourhood test-space in Knowle West, imagining and making new ways to create homes that build social infrastructure and community wealth.
What if the power and resources to create good homes were in the hands of communities?
WeCanMake has a people and place-led approach to housing innovation, embedded in and working with the community of Knowle West, Bristol. Our mission is to grow the spaces, tools and capacities to collectively imagine and actively anticipate better community-led ways to do housing. This means more than just generating speculative futures, but making practical glimmers through prototyping and testing out ideas for real so that people can tangibly see and feel how new possibilities might work on the ground.
So far, WeCanMake has delivered two community-led, low-carbon, locally made, Living Rent homes in Knowle West, with the land and homes held in trust for community benefit in perpetuity. Our two homes are a practical demonstration of a new replicable model for community-led opt-in densification, that unlocks an additional supply of land enabling those in housing need to create affordable homes precisely where they are needed most.
Visit the WeCanMake website: www.wecanmake.org
WeCanMake is open for others to adapt and adopt
We believe the neighbourhood is a key site within which to seed and grow social and economic change. We want to connect with other communities and neighbourhoods experiencing similar challenges to ours, with whom we can share learnings from our experiment and tools that others may find useful when it comes to meeting diverse housing needs.
Neighbourhoods may want to adapt and adopt some or all of the WeCanMake tools and methods for their own context. This is an open invitation to get involved in the next stage of the neighbourhood test-space as we develop a new peer network for collectively imagining and making better housing futures for people and places.
Read the WeCanMake Playbook www.wecanmake.org
General enquiries wecanmake@kwmc.org.uk
Communications/press enquiries Athlyn@kwmc.org.uk