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Visible You

Visible You explored the issue of social isolation in young people aged 13-19, using technology, film and data visualisations to make an interactive documentary.

In recent years teenagers could often be seen hanging out in public spaces in Knowle West and the surrounding areas. Now, however, their numbers are depleted. Meanwhile, the Early Help team in South Bristol has reported increased numbers of 13-19 year olds who are socially isolated, and this number is growing.


In October 2014 we hired a group of young people aged 18-24 as Junior Digital Producers (JDPs) to work together on a web design, video and data project to explore this change.  The JDPs’ research indicated that a large number of young people prefer communicating with their friends online, rather than face to face.

Why are young people choosing to live their lives online instead of out in the community? Could our culture’s increasing dependence on technology be a factor? Or could it be fear of being labeled as the perpetrators of anti social behaviour that has forced them to stay inside?

The JDPs used data visualisation tools to find out what is going on, the impact this issue has on both the teenagers and their communities, and finally what can be done to tackle the problem.


Over a six-month period they developed and filmed an interactive documentary entitled ‘The Glowing Divide’. The film follows the stories of three teenagers from South Bristol – Charlie, Ella and Kyle – as they undertake three challenges and share their views and experiences.  Can they give up gaming and social media for five days?  How does this affect their confidence?

The film is interactive, so the audience can choose the order in which they view the films and the direction of the narrative. Immerse yourself in their world at

Watch The Glowing Divide online

Meet the 2014 Junior Digital Producers

In October 2014 Knowle West Media Centre employed eight Junior Digital Producers (JDPs) - a group of young people aged 18-24 who are working collaboratively on an exciting web design, video and data project called 'Visible You'. The project will produce an interactive documentary focusing on social isolation amongst teenagers in South Bristol. The Junior Digital Producers (JDPs) are...

Visible You Tumblr

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Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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