A smarter approach to your energy use – be part of the energy revolution!
TwinERGY is a three-year EU funded research project. It is testing an Energy Demand Response Framework, a technology solution that supports households with sustainable energy generation (e.g. solar panels) to actively manage and adapt their energy use to market fluctuations through the help of data and automation. With the aim of saving energy, money and carbon emissions.
KWMC is working with the project partners to develop a framework for engaging citizens within the four pilot projects in Germany, Greece, Italy and the UK.
The engagement framework will build upon The Bristol Approach, a co-design methodology developed by KWMC, Ideas for Change and Bristol City Council. We are also supporting the pilots to develop metrics for diversity and inclusion, data use licenses and citizen learning events and activities.
The Bristol pilot started in spring 2021 and will work with 12 homes and a community building. It is led by Bristol City Council and University of Bristol, working in collaboration with KWMC and Ideas for Change. It will have a focus on understanding how the use of technology can improve citizens’ awareness and management of their energy consumption.
The pilot will seek to involve people who experience fuel poverty and those most impacted by oppressive systems based on disability, classism, racism, gender bias and ableism – and as a result of this are often under-represented in energy research.
Watch the presentation videos below, to learn more about how Knowle West Media Centre are working with our participants to take back control of their energy.
For more details on the pilot contact: twinergy@kwmc.org.uk