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University of Bristol: ENGAGE

In June 2012, the Centre for Public Engagement at the University of Bristol commissioned KWMC to produce three web videos relating to the University’s work with the general public.

In ‘Neuroscience in Bristol and Beyond: Engaging the Public with Neuroscience’ Professor Bruce Hood, Dr Nathalia Gjersoe and Kate Longstaffe, Experimental Psychologists at various stages in their careers, discuss how they have been involved in public engagement.

‘Patient Participation in Rheumatology Research’ sees Professor John Kirwan talking about how the Rheumatology department has evolved to work closely with patient research partners and how this has impacted upon their research.

Finally, Dr Michael Naughton and Gabe Tan, along with students from ‘The Innocence Project’, discuss their involvement with this public engagement programme.

The videos have been shown a large events and conferences and used as a tool by the featured academics to showcase their work to new audiences.

University of Bristol: ENGAGE

Amanda Edmonson, University of Bristol

"We worked with KWMC to develop three short films about engagement activities at the University of Bristol. In part, we chose Knowle West Media Centre because we knew that they would be sympathetic to the public engagement theme. Their involvement in the story boarding and interviewing stages resulted in very clear narratives, which was essential in terms of us conveying our...

Neuroscience in Bristol and Beyond

Patient Participation in Rheumatology Research

The Innocence Project

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