
Music and performance live-streamed from Knowle West

This September, KWMC artist in residence Marc Blazel will be running a live music and performance session at Filwood Community Centre. Marc will be joined by local and UK-based artists who will be performing a short experimental set in front of a green screen.

You can watch the live stream on Marc’s Youtube channel between 6 – 8.30pm on Sunday 9 September  2018.

Marc’s residency is part of Living, Working, Making Together, a programme of artist residencies in Knowle West exploring how artists and communities live, work and make together.

Over the last few months, Marc has been investigating Knowle West TV – an early community cable TV project first broadcast on Bristol Channel in the 1970s.  KWMC was given access to 23 hours of Knowle West TV footage in 2014 and hosted a programme of activities in 2015 to share the footage with the community, including daily screenings  and a discussion about the past, present and future of community media.

In 2018, Marc is asking the question: ‘what could Knowle West TV could look like today?’ He is also interested in the cross-over between digital and real-life communities.

Marc has been interviewing people involved with Knowle West TV as well as filming some of the activity that takes place at Filwood Community Centre.  To make his video works, Marc blends layers of video to create a digital collage.

To find out more contact Hannah: e-mail or call 0117 903 0444.  See more of Marc’s work online here.

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Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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