We are trying to find new instruments and equipment to help young people to make music in Bristol. We are looking for any instruments, old and new, music equipment, amps, stands, headphones, cables and money for us to buy used kit – alongside ideas for finding people who maybe interested.
We work with young people aged 13 – 19 on a weekly basis, supporting them to create original music and offering opportunities for live performance and recording. Our numbers are growing all the time and we’re in need of more equipment to cater to the young peoples’ creative needs. With more instruments, we could run two sessions simultaneously rather than dismantling our music studio every time we run a music session. We’d love to be able to support young people to work together more often too, so they can create collaborative pieces.
December is the busiest sales month for new instruments: come Christmas, lots of instruments will be superseded by newer models. Do you have a used or pre-loved instrument that needs a new home? At KWMC we’ll support a budding musician to make the most of it!
Check out the project on Made Open and watch the appeal video below: