11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Welcome to the first day of the Come Together Weekender! A four day gathering of talks, workshops, and events exploring how we can connect through a mix of in-person and virtual, or ‘hybrid’ spaces.
Each day of the Weekender we will be delving into a different question. Firstly asking…
What happens to ‘hybrid’ when you start with access and inclusion?
A day of sharing practice, workshops and events centring expertise from disability cultures and activists.
To book onto Day 1 events follow the Eventbrite links below. To view the other days in the Weekender, click here.
11-3pm: Creative Access + Inclusion Lab
@ KWMC and on Zoom (BSL interpreted and Captioned)
Join us for some creative play. What would ‘hybrid’ spaces and experiences feel like if they were designed with inclusivity and accessibility as the starting point and spark for creativity. Centring expertise from disability cultures this event will bring artists and makers, already working in this area or curious to learn new approaches, together to get creative.
The day will include lots of breaks, lunch and space for reflections and conversation.
Practical activities will be led by: Rachel Aspinwall and Holly Thomas from PECo Theatre’s City of Threads, Harsha Balasubramanian and Raquel Mesegeur and hosted by KWMC & Trinity Bristol.
To book your free place please click HERE
After a day of creative play join us for a party!
7:30 – 9pm: REMOTE ACCESS PARTY x Come Together
On Zoom
Remote Access is a disability-centric nightlife party series. Since March 2020, these parties have brought together hundreds of disability organisers, artists, and party babes to celebrate the magic of crip wisdom, the ways that disability communities have built and expanded the possibilities for access in remote configuration.
For this party, members of the Remote Access organising collective will hold space for you to dance, enjoy performances, and connect with other attendees. Access features will include BSL, captions, visual description, sound description, and access doulas. See the party participation guide for more information: https://bit.ly/remoteaccesscometogether
Remote Access is a crip nightlife event curated and designed by a shifting collective of artists and access magicians, including stewards who have come to this work through the Critical Design Lab. This Remote Access x Come Toether party will be led by ‘queercrip organizer’ Kevin Gotkin.
For more information and to book your free ticket click HERE
Come Together is an Arts Council England funded project aiming to unpack and explore what ‘Hybrid’ is and could mean. ‘Hybrid’ is often referred to as a way of connecting people who are present in-person and virtually. Through four creative residencies in Knowle West this year artists and the local community have been coming together to experiment with ‘hybrid’ connection. Through the Weekender we will share some of what’s been happening in Knowle West this summer, whilst also celebrating excellent national / international practice in the field and of course opening up more questions together.
Alt-Text for Event Listing Image: An illustration of a cork board with: a calendar on it, that has the date November 18th heavily highlighted and circled in red; a post-it note with the writing ‘How can we make accessible hybrid spaces? Centering disability cultures!!!’ Scribbled onto it’; a sign at the top with ‘Inclusion in action’ written onto it; a disability badge and a symbol of two heads in a loop. There are also logos for Knowle West Media Centre and Come Together.