We are looking for an individual with experience working in finance to join our Board of Trustees as our Treasurer. The Treasurer will support KWMC’s Head of Finance and CEO in key financial areas and report the organisation’s financial health to the Board.
Think you might be interested?
Then take a look at the Treasurer role description and our Welcome to KWMC.
We are always looking for individuals with a range of experiences and from a range of backgrounds who would like to use their expertise to support our projects and activities.
Trustees are champions of KWMC and help to guide and develop the organisation. The Board is not expected to be involved in the day-to-day running of KWMC – this is the job of the staff team – however, we expect the Board to provide strategic guidance and support for the wider programme of KWMC.
We have been based in Knowle West for over 20 years and are committed to supporting our local community, and we particularly welcome interest from local residents in becoming trustees.
We are also interested in hearing from people who have business and manufacturing experience or a background in fundraising, legal or people management.
Main responsibilities of a trustee
– advise on and help to develop KWMC strategy
– support KWMC’s ambition to deliver a programme that has impact and longevity
– ensure compliance with governing documents
– attend quarterly evening trustees’ meetings held at KWMC
– ensure accountability
– ensure compliance with the law
– maintain proper fiscal oversight, working with the honorary treasurer
– help with fundraising where appropriate (e.g. attend events or make introductions)
– respect and support the role of staff
– maintain effective board performance (including new trustee recruitment)
– promote the organisation to target stakeholders
Time requirement
Trustees are expected to attend quarterly Board meetings of approximately 2 hours. These are held in Bristol but with facilities for joining remotely. We would also call on Trustees to help us with specific issues, where they have the skills and time to assist. We are conscious of time constraints and would only call on you as necessary. We would also ask that you put some time into promoting KWMC to funders and other networks.
Knowle West Media Centre is a not-for-profit organisation and our Trustees are not paid. However, if financial considerations are a barrier to your participation we would like to discuss how we can remove them.
Critical Friends
As well as the Board of Trustees we are keen to expand our network of Critical Friends. A Critical Friend is an expert in their field who can provide an independent view of KWMC, our programmes, projects or processes, and who will prompt and support us with honest reflection and appraisal (or reappraisal). A Critical Friend could ask provocative questions, provide additional data, evidence or lessons from elsewhere that offer a different perspective, or critique processes and/or reports. Critical Friends are only called on as and when we require advice and do not attend Board meetings.
Application process
If you’d like to find out more and arrange a time to have an informal chat about the role then please drop an email to Bethan Park, Head of Finance at bethan.park@kwmc.org.uk