
Archive for November, 2022

A-Z of Care Cards

Inspired by pleasure activism and radical rest, the A-Z of Care cards are a tool to seed new thoughts and grow deep practices of care.

Using the cards, we can explore how we express and receive care for ourselves and others through creative practice.

Each card has a letter of the alphabet with a corresponding word related to care, such as ‘Access’, or ‘Boundaries’. On the back of each card is a related prompt such as, “Collective Care: What do you need to feel cared for? What can you do to care for others?” alongside an inspiring quote.

Three of the A-Z of Care cards.

The project was led by Roseanna Dias and Josephine Gyasi. The cards were designed by Designer Philly and developed in collaboration with creatives: Daniel Edmund, Elsie Harp, Grace Kress, Jae Tallawah, Jade Johnson, Leyla Moazzen, Martha King, Purple Girls Collective, Raquel Meseguer

The A-Z of Care cards were created as part of the Creativity + Care programme at KWMC. This programme explored the themes of radical care and pleasure activism. It provided opportunities for creatives to explore and experience nourishing spaces of care that can support, inspire and enable their creativity. Read more about Creativity + Care here.

To launch the cards, in November 2022 we hosted a gentle evening of connecting and reflecting using the cards (photos above by Ibi Feher). It was a lovely way to connect with each other and discuss care. When reflecting on the cards, people said things like…

“They are really useful for those who are less used to using this kind of language around care, maybe even as a way to move through conflict too”

“You’re invited to get deep and meaningful without feeling too exposed around people you don’t know”

Based on the idea of the ‘commons’, this tool is open-source and collaboratively cared for. Anyone can download and use our A-Z of Care cards.

Download your own set of A-Z of Care cards here.

KWMC continues as a National Portfolio Organisation from 2023 – 2026

We are pleased to announce that Knowle West Media Centre has been awarded funding from Arts Council England, from 2023 – 2026, as part of their investment programme. 

In total, 990 organisations are receiving a share of £446 million per year, ensuring that more people in more places can find fantastic, fulfilling art and culture on their doorsteps.  

From next year, we will be in receipt of £92,188 annually and will continue our mission with the resources provided. This will enable us to achieve our goals to: 

  • Develop and deliver the Knowle West Public Arts strategy 
  • Culturally engage young people in the community with a unique arts and technology programme 
  • Support emerging, early and mid-career artists and creatives (specifically with a focus to engage communities) 
  • Put tech and creative tools in the hands of our community 
  • Build a network of inclusive and welcoming community spaces 
  • Share KWMC co-design practices with communities & a national and international peer network  
  • Creatively engage the community in the We Can Make community housing project to change the dialogue around how housing can be done differently 

“I want to say thank you to Arts Council England and the support they are offering to us. I would also like to acknowledge that it is a difficult time for many in the arts and culture sector and we will do all we can to offer our support to our colleagues in the South West and Bristol City.” 

Carolyn Hassan, CEO KWMC, & Director of Bristol Living Lab 

Two of our core values as an organisation are Imagination (not being afraid to do or think differently) and Collaboration (working with others to achieve a shared goal), perfectly aligning with ACE’s theme #LetsCreate. 

We are proud to remain a part of the National Portfolio, but we know these are difficult times. We will to continue to contribute to the city and be a strong advocate for great investment into communities that have little access to the mainstream or city centre offer. 

Contact Us

Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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