
Archive for November, 2016

Chris’ KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

I first came into contact with the Media Centre through the Knowle West youth club in my mid teens. I began by attending little filmmakers nights and even made a small video at the Knowle West Health Park which was a very embarrassing parody of Men In Black! I was bullied throughout almost all of my school life, so in my later teens when it got so bad I refused to return to school, Carolyn [Hassan] and KWMC were able to step in and place me on extended work experience with them, where I began learning film editing and how to use several media packages in a professional environment such as Flash and Final Cut.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

It’s changed massively. When I first got involved with the project it was a small office in an old doctor’s surgery, now it has its own centre and has expanded massively.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

It has, it pulled me out of an awful situation, it helped me build my confidence and meet new people. It was also a stepping stone in to the media world which I found myself in later in life.

What other difference has KWMC made?

It’s been a while since I was really involved with KWMC, but when I was there KWMC was always involved in community projects. I remember SafeRoutes in particular which focused on bringing hazards and dangers to the council’s attention along several routes through Knowle West.

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

I have many fond moments with KWMC, from my first time on a film set to boring poor Sandra [Youth Media Worker] to death recounting episodes of Dragon Ball Z! I certainly remember a trip to London to meet and look at another media group, I experienced my first time on a tube train and my very first Wagamamas meal! But I would say my favourite memory was hosting and entertaining a group of guests from Japan who didn’t speak much English, which was not only a real confidence booster for me, but also an extremely fun day! These and many other memories will stick with me forever, so thank you to Carolyn and KWMC for giving me that opportunity.

Chris Foster

Michael’s KWMC20 Story

We asked artist Michael Smith to reflect on his time at KWMC and he responded by creating five new pieces that mix hand-drawn characters and computer illustration. Can you spot some familiar faces alongside Michael’s alter ego The Dark Fox?


Story and artwork by Michael Smith, artist

Iman’s KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

I came to KWMC in February 2016. I was the communications co-ordinator for the project Change Creators.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

I only worked at KWMC for 10 weeks, however in this time there were always new projects taking place, exciting events happening, there was never a dull moment and the centre was always changing. Since leaving it’s been easy to keep up to date with everything going on at the centre via social media and the website and I’m always excited to see what’s new and what opportunities I can share with other young people I know.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

KWMC has made a huge difference in my life. Not only was this the first time I was able to work within my studied field of media, I was also able to gain knowledge from graphic designers, artists, film editors and directors, creative tech technicians, communications officers, and other young people with bright ideas and passionate views. I got to work alongside incredibly talented and creative people and each day was filled with new and innovative discussions.

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

I have many but a few that stand out to me are: the sometimes heated but fair debates me and other staff members had in the office, it was great to be in an environment where people were open to different views and took your opinions or experiences into account. The trip to Barcelona with the Change Creators was definitely three days to be remembered. Although I was there to help document the journey and assist in making the weekend run smoothly, I also learned so much from the speakers and sessions at the Barcelona Fab Lab and came home with a whole new understanding of technology. I would also like to mention my last day, where I had a true KWMC send-off with lots of tea and cake. Although I was only at the centre for 10 weeks, it took me about 10 minutes to feel right at home.

Iman Abu Saleh, communications intern for Change Creators project

Ruth’s KWMC20 Story

What was your earliest involvement with KWMC?

I like to think that I was there at the very beginning, because I managed the project which employed [KWMC Director] Carolyn to do a photography project in Filwood Community Centre, right at the very start of the whole thing.

How did that come about?

That was in the very early days – arts and health now is kind of a known type of work, but back then, which was the [late 80s], arts and health was quite new, in terms of people thinking about using the arts to support people’s health and wellbeing…There were two health promotion officers who were really supportive of the arts and they had some money to put into doing three pilot projects and one was at Filwood Community Centre with Carolyn…

What different do you think KWMC has made to the community?

I think it’s about having something…that’s grown and been very embedded, and that people have literally grown up with.  So the fact that people have engaged with it at different points in their lives and that that has affected them…just that ownership. 

Has KWMC had any impact on you over the years?

[KWMC has been] just a really good example of really high quality work in a local community, that’s both embedded in that community but also has that real, far-reaching vision and impact. So I think it’s seeing that it can work. I think [with] so much of what used to be called ‘community arts’ and ‘arts and social context’…you might get the really good participation or you might get the really good high-quality outcomes, but you don’t necessarily get both.  I think that’s what Knowle West Media Centre does, it does both. And that’s because it’s about looking out and getting artists in and being prepared to always think ahead and be ahead of the game, and look at the context of people’s lives and doing things that aren’t separate to the context of people’s lives.

Have you got any favourite memories?

We did the [Demanding Conversations] conference – that was amazing, that was exciting.  Getting some really top names like Jude Kelly, Matthew Taylor, Dame Baroness Young, coming and having a really good, intense kind of debate, discussions about socially engaged practice means.  That was a fantastic event and everyone was very positive – quite often at those kind of events people moan and you don’t feel there’s really a chance to talk and thrash through issues, but I felt that we did it in such a way that there was that opportunity.

Now we all just talk about big data, don’t we?  It’s just a given, it’s out there in the public realm.  But how long ago was [Whose Data]?  Six, seven years ago, when it wasn’t [public] and people were all like, ‘what is this thing about big data?  I don’t get it?’ And the fact that we got such a good response to the call-out.

…If you think of all the artists that have worked with you over the years and how that has affected their practice…it’s those ripples isn’t it? I think that’s what we often forget as people that are producing, managing, it’s very easy to forget the effect they have, long-term, on all sorts of other people in different ways.  And you can only do that when you look back.

Ruth Hecht, grant manager for the 1996 photography project that developed into Knowle West Media Centre

Emma’s KWMC20 Story

My enduring relationship with Knowle West Media Centre (KWMC) started in the early 00’s when I was a young mum studying media at university. I specialised in video production and made a social justice piece that attracted the attention of one my technical instructors. She had worked with KWMC and saw parallels between its ethos and the social interest documentary video work I was becoming passionate about. She connected us, and for that I will always be grateful.

There are key words that, for me, embody my experiences and memories of KWMC. One is ‘opportunity’. Being a rookie video maker, fresh out of university, chances to initiate and develop your professional skills and expertise are hard to come by. Add to this [that] I had family responsibilities to juggle so I needed flexible opportunities.

In those days, KWMC was a small outfit (relative to now). It was sited in the old health centre building which offered a base for its burgeoning activities. The building was pretty rough around the edges but people that worked there were resourceful. Everyone made the best of it, and through the vision and tireless optimism of [KWMC Director] Carolyn and [Assistant Director] Penny, and the commitment and dedication of their team, better resources and facilities, and even an entire new building, would later come.

Back then, video production meant being a one-person band, shooting and editing a video solo without the luxury of a crew. That also meant all the responsibility for the resulting output firmly rested on your shoulders! I was effectively a newbie and yet, despite that, Penny had enough faith to send me off into the community to make films that had been commissioned by local service providers. I very much appreciate that Penny and Carolyn affirmed my potential but moreover I think that they recognised my interest and enthusiasm in engaging with people on their own terms, reflecting the kind of values KWMC embodies.

The first few projects I did with KWMC taught me an immense amount, both technically and artistically, and in terms of the nature of community work. I was hooked by the creativity of the work and the authenticity of working with groups in a participatory way. I had an existing connection to the area through my daughter’s paternal family, who have lived in Knowle West for decades. However, as my work with KWMC grew, through various projects, I got to know more about people living in the area and could see the positive impact that engagements with the organisation had.

As KWMC grew, so did I. The opportunities to develop professionally kept coming, camera work, editing, producing, directing and then I started to help young people there to learn the skills I had developed, by facilitating youth media projects. I have worked with many inspirational people at KWMC but no account of my history there would be complete without mentioning [KWMC Youth Media Worker] Sandra, a staunch youth worker, who I had the pleasure of working alongside on many occasions. She is a local and understood better than most people what kinds of issues and challenges young people in the area face. Her care for young people’s wellbeing and her relatability made her exceptional.

So, in effect, I started to become a media educator as well as a creative practitioner. Prompted by this shift and by a desire to push myself further in terms of my own education, I decided to do a part-time masters degree in media at the London Institute of Education. All of my fellow students were working in school settings and I was rather an anomaly as a community based media practitioner. I didn’t even like the sound of being a teacher or educator at the time because it felt too hierarchical. I just felt like I was helping people to learn! But anyway, I tried to use what I was studying through the degree to become a better youth media facilitator and KWMC was wholly supportive of that ambition.

The communities of Knowle West have long been of interest to universities seeking to research the area’s historical association with multiple deprivation and marginalisation.  KWMC has always insisted, nay demanded, that it is not willing to collude with researchers that parachute in to ‘research’ ‘the community’ for their own gains. Such a fish bowl approach undermines its fundamental tenet of relationship building and the need to develop trust as an underpinning to operating effectively and authentically as a community organisation – doing with people, not to people. Therefore, it was completely fitting that KWMC went on to form a partnership with the University of the West of England to collaborate in a successful funding bid for a doctorate that would enable research that was based and rooted IN the community, looking into young people’s creative practices with new technologies. The importance of this collaborative research was that it recognised KWMC as an equal partner in the process rather than as simply as a connecting or intermediary organisation.

Given my longstanding relationship with KWMC, my interest in youth media work, and having recently finished my masters, I successfully applied for the PhD research role that the bid enabled (presenting yet another opportunity!) Carolyn was my research supervisor, alongside my academic supervisor, and I spent several years doing research based at KWMC. I worked using participatory approaches to involve young people in the research process, reflecting KWMC’s core principle of active community participation. It was an invaluable experience.

After finishing the research and gaining my doctorate, opportunities started to arise for university teaching and research, building on my community media knowledge and expertise. Higher education is the world I occupy now for the most part, and I have, in many ways, come ‘full circle’. I now teach on the degree course which succeeded the one I completed 14 years ago. I am teaching a new generation of media practitioners and producers (some of whom will hopefully work in community media) and I still have a tangible connection to KWMC because it’s one of those special places that never leaves you or you it. I have taken students there to learn about the innovative work it does and, post-doc, I have been involved in further research with KWMC, again, around young people’s creative media work.

I do, in the context of working in higher education, allow myself to use the term teaching to describe what I do. However, I continue to apply the principles of community media work, fashioned in the bosom of KWMC, and I always will. This means mobilising another key descriptor of the organisation, the notion of ‘relationship’, which refers to the importance of building equitable and respecting relationships as the basis for engaging in meaningful developmental processes – social, cultural and educational. In fact, this is possibly the greatest and most productive asset anyone can bring to bear to such work.

KWMC values people and people value it. Carolyn is a visionary leader, steering the organisation to incredible achievements, with the support of her amazing team. Her humility and her tenacity in the process of that journey are admirable. Knowle West Media Centre has been a positive touchstone in my life, and I have seen it be so for countless others.  Therefore, I am truly glad that, after 20 thriving years, it continues to act as a pioneering force for good.

Emma Agusita, media educator and creative practitioner

Tanya’s KWMC20 Story

When did you first know the Media Centre and what did you do?

Starting from the very beginning, I was involved in a project with [KWMC Director Carolyn] and [Assistant Director] Penny. Myself and [KWMC Youth Media Worker] Sandra were given a video camera as part of the Roaring Girls project…Two years later, I think, I finished my performing arts course and got put in touch with you guys again by my drama tutor, Paula, who knew Penny – and I was asked to play a prostitute in a film called After the Road by Emma Hooper.

That was your first encounter?  Then what happened?

I think I was in the office and I was offered a traineeship.  Sandra was already doing her traineeship and I remember at the time, [Carolyn] said what it would involve and I was sat in the back of the car and I just wanted to say ‘Yes! Ok, I’ll take it, I’ll do it!’  But you don’t do that do you?  You don’t say, ‘oh yes!’ straight away.  It’s like accepting a job: ‘oh no, I’ll go away and I’ll think about that and I’ll get back to you.’…I had a little think and I think I got in touch and accepted the traineeship.

How do you think the Media Centre has changed over the years?

I think…it was very photography-led in the beginning and design-led, film-led.  I really liked those tangible projects and access to lots of different groups within the community.  Now, I think, my impressions are that it’s more technical; it’s data-capture and you’ve got The Factory.  I think it’s had to evolve…

Has KWMC made any difference to you?

I always said that on the job learning was probably the best experience for me – and I learned how to do graphic design at that time and a lot of other things I got to touch on.  The work experience was invaluable…I suppose it grew a certain degree of confidence through meeting different people and talking, presenting, a lot.

What impact to you think KWMC has had in South Bristol?

I think it’s had a big impact.  I would worry if it wasn’t in Knowle West…you don’t have a lot of social outlets for community in Knowle West.  Like here, you have to have community-based centres for people to be part of.  So I think, if it was to leave, you’d be taking something out of the community [and] they would feel a loss…I think it’s needed because you need centres like KWMC; you need people to have access to things.  I think it needs to be a bit more publicised, it needs to be a bit more out there, sort of ‘in your face.’

What’s your favourite memory?  Anything that makes you laugh?

Running up and down the corridor dressed as a bumblebee one day.  Making [colleague] Simon dress as a bumblebee. I think my favourite memory is all the people who came through the centre…I just got to meet a lot of really lovely, interesting people.  Me and [trainee] Terri used to do Toilet Diary, actually: we used to tell everybody what was going on in the week by posting a little thing in the old building about up and coming events to do with the Media Centre, projects that were going on, but we used to do a funny, kind of journalistic take on it.

What do you think the most important thing is that we should be doing?

Connecting the community members, it’s literally about that.  Getting out and, you know, investing in as many people as possible, investing in their futures, because if you’re going to create social change then that’s how it spreads.  Also if people are given ambition and aspirations, in some way, then it changes their sphere, it changes what goes on for them along the line.

Tanya Hazell, former trainee

Terri-Ann’s KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

I had seen a sign in Filwood Hope as I knew I liked writing and reading and people had told me I should try journalism. It was at the Knowle West Development Trust and there was the youth club Mouth Of The South, and I still have all the copies [of the newsletter] at home… I joined on issue 2!  It was the summer of 1999 I think. I remember [KWMC Director] Carolyn taking me into her office and I thought it was really fancy – but it was a darkroom behind a gym … She gave me a camera and she told me to have a go and play with it and then she taught me how to use it. And then I went on to [do] lots of photography [at] the Knowle West Carnival and I loved photographing that, it was the best thing ever.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

I remember when it changed from project to a centre, it felt more everlasting, it wasn’t something that was going to be pulled away at any moment and that was good cus I felt like that it would be there to support me to develop my career.  And when it moved from Filwood Community Centre to the old doctor’s surgery, and the article in the Guardian ‘How The Westers Won’. It was funny as before I was always in the doctor’s when I was sick but then I was going for a completely different, good reason. [KWMC Youth Media Worker] Sandra’s office was the midwife’s room. It was quirky to be in that space – odd but interesting.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

…I met Jo Hansford, a photographer, and she took over Mouth of the South and it became so fantastic: she was really good at what she did and she worked with Carolyn, part of the KW Media Project. She organized us to go to Portugal and that changed me. After that trip I could see my photography had changed and become better and when we came back we had an exhibition and it was the first time I’d done something I was really proud of and I could say ‘I did that’. [It] made me realize I wanted to go somewhere, travel, do something; up to that point I’d never left the estate. After college I got an apprenticeship here and I was able to do a lot of photography and journalism and a bit of graphic design and it showed me I was a creative person.

It changed me because Carolyn and other people invested time in me and it was the first time anyone had ever done that for me: showed me how to do things. Getting the apprenticeship for two years gave me the confidence to reapply to university after at first not getting into my choice of university and feeling stranded. I felt it liked I owed it to myself to go to university and I studied English because of all the journalism stuff I’d done when I was younger. Jo Hansford got me [a] work placement at The Evening Post and Venue Magazine and I knew I wanted to do journalism. The Evening Post people told me that none of the staff had degrees in Journalism but in other topics so I decided to do English.

I took photos for the University newspaper: hundreds of people wanted to do it and applied, and I was worried cus I sounded different. I was also doing photos of weddings to pay to get through uni, so I did the photos as more people wanted to do the writing, plus I had my own equipment already, which I’d got through KWMC social enterprise funding – they helped me raise the money.

…All the people that worked at KWMC made such a difference to my life and I just wanted to give that back as a teacher. I started teaching kids that reminded me of Knowle West: I did photography with them, and I had a book that was really good called Open the Curriculum through Photography, and so I volunteered with these kids not in mainstream school, and then I got a job at the school as a teaching assistant, while I was still at uni. I was studying Shakespeare and that what they were learning in the class! So I was at uni Monday and Tuesday, school Wednesday to Friday, photography weekends. I always had loads of jobs even when I was a kid!

What other difference has KWMC made?

Having this building in the area is better. Since having this building different people have come into the area that have never come into the area (except for that time the reporter came from the Guardian). And having rooms to rent bring new business in the area and people getting to know the area. I know lots of people now who did photography courses here who still do that now…

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

[During] my apprenticeship there was a pot of money, 50k for a youth project in the UK. I was curious what Carolyn [was] doing and she was showed me she was filling in application forms for charity [funding] and that was a shock to me as I always saw her as the photography person…She showed [me] what she was filling in and how to do it, and so I asked if I could have a go, and she said ok…I gave the final content to Sandra to submit; it was really close to the deadline.

Then she got an email saying we got to the top 50. I thought ’50, that’s a lot!’…And then we got down to the last 20, then 5, and we had an interview in Ruthven Road (the temporary building): me, Sandra, Carolyn and the charity person.

…Then we waited months and months.  One day Carolyn called us all in and told us we had it! We had a party down the health centre café. I was really proud of that.

Terri-Ann McKenny, former trainee

Miles’ KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

I joined KWMC in January 2004 (I think) and was the Archimedia Project Manager until December 2008.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

Immeasurably, and so much more since I left.  To have joined during our time at William Budd and then see the explosion of activity the building has been able to facilitate is incredible.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

Absolutely.  By instilling in me a sense that process is as important as outcome, by validating the need for advocacy, by opening up the world of environmental architecture (which is now my career) and demonstrating the value of community.

What other difference has KWMC made?

I sense its legacy in the connections I still have with some people from the Archimedia Project: confident, capable people, empowered to make a change in the world and I see the ongoing difference it makes every time I can come back and visit.

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

So many to include:

  • A bath full of water crashing through the roof in the old William Budd Centre – what more proof did we need that the building was falling apart?
  • Early sessions of the Archimedia Core Group when we said that young people would make all the decisions (to a sea of disbelief!)
  • Explaining that a football pitch on the roof, a heli-pad and a three storey slide might be difficult to have in the new building.
  • Being told we would never get the money (and drowning my sorrows with an incredibly defiant [KWMC Director] Carolyn at the Tobacco Factory.
  • Celebrating when we did get final approval from the City Council that all the funds were in place. Lots of finger pointing and “We’re in, if you’re in…?”
  • Watching the old William Budd be demolished over two days.
  • Standing on the roof of the new Leinster House around nine months later.
  • Returning whenever I can to be overwhelmed by the number of people and activities going on at once.

Miles Ford, Project Manager of Archimedia, 2004-2008

Levi’s KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

I remember coming when I was about 10, I met [KWMC Community Engagement Manager] Makala on Filwood Broadway at an event and we did some journalism work. Then we went to the Mouth of the South club. It was in the old building and then Ruthven Road and then came back into the new building. I did the ASDAN award with all my work at Mouth of the South, and I still have the folder of all the magazines we made. We went out to local events and I did interviews and wrote articles about it. We did the logo and other people did the photos and the design.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

I think the building and the service from a young person’s perspective is a building that’s kept going despite all the cuts and kept going giving services to young people with media that they might not necessarily get otherwise. There is loads that goes on here I can’t even keep up with it. It just shows that it is a good thing for the area: the fact that it keeps going and the Knowledge Newsletter is still going for the community and its good to hear the young people’s journalism is starting back up.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

It helped me find something I was interested in and a passion – then I went on to study media in 6th form and I remember coming back for a reference for college and I ended up getting an A for my first lot of coursework and a C overall. Without the push of doing media at a young age I don’t think I would have believed it was something that was possible for me, something that I could actually do. I’m always on the go looking for different things to volunteer and to apply for and to get recognised (I applied for Big Brother this year).

The experiences here have given me the confidence in myself to get out and try new things but if I didn’t have those experiences I wouldn’t think I could do that. Eventually I decided to go into youth work, which I do at the moment, and in the future I still think about doing more media in my future career.

What other difference has KWMC made?

I think it makes an impact on young [people] because even when I see people we used to go to the group with, we talk and remember things – people always remember the good experiences like the film festivals. I remember we walked around with cameras to document it and interview people and we felt important and got to interview the rappers. It was great to feel important and had a real job and in charge of something and the responsibility.

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

I can remember going to the Evening Post building and seeing how they wrote their articles and how there were editors and saw all the production. I can remember when we made a poster and they were blown up massive and they were put up everywhere to recruit people for our project, and it felt great to be valued and be important. I can remember as well when we were in the old building here and someone from Blue Peter came and we all got a Blue Peter sticker.

And when the lady from the Guardian came and interviewed us about what we do and we were in the Guardian – I was in the picture, the headline said: ‘How the Westers won’ and I felt a real sense of achievement to be in a national paper recognising the work we were doing.

Levi Hodge, member of the Mouth of the South journalists group

Karron’s KWMC20 Story

When did you first come to Knowle West Media Centre and what did you do?

When I joined the walking group, just before the new building went up. I was a walk leader and [another walk leader] introduced me to the Media Centre as they needed trustees, but I already knew everyone because we were based in William Budd [Health Centre], as the Walking Way to Health group office was there.

How do you think KWMC has changed during the time you’ve known us?

It’s more known locally and city-wide. People understand the Media Centre more, for a long time people didn’t understand and people used to ask ‘what do they do up there?’ – though sometimes I still don’t know everything that happens. It used to be mainly for young people and photography, but now [there are] more activities and for all ages, the horizons have widened: directors sharing what we do abroad, more interest in what we do from outside the country. It’s more open to the community and what the community wants, like computer classes for older ones, more community involved in events about all different things.

Has KWMC made a difference to you?

Getting to know community projects and I’m one of the lucky trustees ‘cus I can get involved more than the ones [who] work can. I’ve got to run the Silverscreen [film] club and it’s a chance to let people know what’s going on. Others come and give talks and it keeps people informed about [things like] bills, dementia, health. It’s given me more knowledge of what technology is about and not to be frightened of technology. I wouldn’t have had a computer if it wasn’t for the Media Centre. I use emails and Google. I’ve got to try new things I wouldn’t have done before.

What other difference has KWMC made?

For the kids, it gives them things to do: media, music and they get to create stuff. Because of the film club I know some of the older people who go to the computer club, they now know how to use computers and learn not to be frightened of technology: taking photos, using the computers to save edit and print them.

What are your favourite KWMC memories?

Going on [the boat] The Balmoral. We did a team building session, as trustees we got to know the team and understand what everyone does. Watching the new building go up, because I used to use William Budd clinic with my children. We did an event with Silverscreen [where] we had some photographers come from the Media Centre – the Truth About Youth project [with The Prince’s Trust], and we dressed up in fancy dress – hats feathers jackets etc – and we got some lovely photos. We had fun and also it was for the young people’s group to practice their new photography skills, and for us all to meet and connect with people of different ages. The young ones loved how much the older people got into it and had fun with it. It’s also nice for people to have those pictures as memories of the day.

We also did an event, mapping out the area, and enabled people to talk to new people sharing their memories and stories about the area. We also all enjoyed the interactive fridge coming and putting the balls in [to the fridge] based on the questions. For me, the best thing was seeing different ages interact and find out about what each other are doing.

I also remember when I made a DVD with [KWMC Digital Skills Trainer] Martin. We did a workshop where we had to bring in photos and plan the whole thing. I made a digital story called Life Changes. I did the illustrations myself too. I made it about smoking because my sisters had cancer. Martin played the harp for my story. I still have that now.

Karron Chaplin, Knowle West resident & KWMC Trustee
Contact Us

Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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