We’re inviting schools, artists, young people and creative sector employers to join us for an evening of networking and activity that celebrates Bristol’s young media pioneers and offers employers the chance to meet new talent.
The Triple Bill event on Thursday 26th March will mark the launch of Eight, a new platform for supported employment for 18-30s that aims to build networks between creative sector employers and young people. Employers will have a chance to network with young creatives, see examples of work they’ve already produced, and find out more about the possibilities of working together.
Visitors will be some of the first to see ‘The Glowing Divide’, an interactive documentary about social isolation amongst 13-19 year olds – and what can be done to tackle it. There will be an opportunity to meet KWMC’s Junior Digital Producers: a team of filmmakers, researchers and coders aged 18-24 who have been employed for six months through the Creative Employment Programme.
The evening will also include the re-launch of KWMC’s programme for 10-25 year olds as Jump Studios.
The event takes place at Knowle West Media Centre, Leinster Avenue, Bristol, BS4 1NL, from 5-7pm. For more details call 0117 903 0444.