
Archive for January, 2015

Sophie’s Journey

sophiedoodle“As KWMC’s Music Development Assistant I helped renovate the music studio, created a membership scheme, supported sessions like Creative Hub and XLR, worked in schools and developed graphic design resources including info-graphics about our data.

Through this role I have developed and improved skills in:
• Setting up and using a music studio
• Using Logic
• Working as a sound engineer
• Working as a graphic designer
• Facilitating workshops with young people

I have also learned how to interact with young people; before my internship
I wouldn’t have felt so confident in interacting with them, but now I know that I am able to support them if they need me. In the schools work, initially I felt out of my depth, but in one session I led an activity which made me realise that I can do it and so I now feel much more confident.

That’s a big thing that I’ve gained here is a lot of confidence in myself whereas before I didn’t really have any.

There’s big support here that’s really important: it’s like the Media Centre has become my extended family and I think that if I hadn’t had as much support as I’ve had I don’t think I would now have as much confidence in myself to do well now or in the future.”

Sophie Hosken-Taylor was KWMC’s Music Development Intern from the summer of 2014 until January 2015.

Young tour guides wanted

What’s it like being a teenager in South Bristol?  Where do you hang out? In February 2015 we’ll be working with award-winning Canadian arts company, Mammalian Diving Reflex, to create a unique journey around Knowle West. If you’re aged 13-19, interested in performance or art, and you don’t mind a bit of a walk – you could be one of our tour guides!

The ‘Night Walks’ will take place on 13th, 14th and 15th February and we’d love to show visitors the present and possible future of the area through YOUR eyes.

  • take part in an international arts festival organised by In Between Time
  • work with a team of artists from Canada
  • develop a new kind of live performance, right on your doorstep!

 For more details about getting involved contact Sandra or visit the Night Walks page.


Night Walks YP Flyer Front Night Walks YP Flyer Back

Digital Hub – Interactive Documentary Sessions

We are looking for 12 young people aged 13-19 who are interested in filmmaking and digital technologies. From Wednesday 14th January we’re hosting a new series of workshops about how to make your own ‘interactive documentary’. These sessions will take place during our Digital Hub on a Wednesday evening from 5pm-7pm .

Danai Mikelli is coming in to run the sessions, a PhD Researcher in Interactive Documentary and Critical Media Education at Coventry University who has already worked with our Junior Digital Producers on their film.

During the sessions we will be collecting interviews and materials to bring your stories to life, learning about film making, editing and multimedia, and getting a better an understanding about what an interactive documentary is!

For more information and to book a place, contact Dot: or phone 0117 9030 444.

Interactive Doc



Contact Us

Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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