
Archive for February, 2014

What we’re dreaming of in 2015

Bristol Maker Lab is one of the big ideas dreamed up in our Do What You Love programme – we hope it will be a place for everyone to make their own products and become entrepreneurs. Bristol Maker Lab will have the very latest equipment, like 3D printers and laser cutters, with experts on hand to show people how to use them. It will be open to the public so that people can start designing and making things to sell. There’ll be a programme of classes about how to make great things using the equipment – anything from jewellery to robots to spare parts for washing machines. We’ve made a lovely brochure explaining how it will all work, which you can download here: Bristol Maker Lab For more details contact Hazel or Justin.


KW Maker Lab_full prev_Page_02  

A survey with a difference

This March Knowle West residents can take an unusual community survey – by moving and interacting with the objects in a 3D living room made entirely of cardboard. Local people can play games with everything in “The Living Living Room’, from the shelves to the bookcase.

The gaming zone will also act as a digital survey – collecting information about our lifestyle choices as we play. The information will later be brought to life in a series of animations that will help to explain and challenge our lifestyle choices.

Try the online survey at, then come and play with the cardboard creations!

The cardboard creations have been produced by Knowle West Media Centre’s Junior Digital Producers and are part of the Data Patchwork project. ‘The Living Living Room’ will tour Knowle West during the first week of March.
 For more details contact Naomi.


Cardboard Living Room Flyer

Google, games and gadgets

Interested in making your own computer games and experimenting with technology?

KWMC is about to launch a new ten-week project for young people aged 11-17. As part of  ‘Generating Genius’, 10 young people will be learning how to use Raspberry Pis and create their own computer game. The Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer about the size of a credit-card. It was developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation alongside Google and a number of science organisations with the intention of promoting the teaching of basic computer science in schools and educational institutions.

During the project young people will have the opportunity to visit Google headquarters in London and the project will end with a games night.

Spaces are limited so contact for more details. ‘Generating Genius’ begins on Monday 10th February, 5-6.30pm, and will run until May.

The Generating Genius project is a collaboration between KWMC and the University of Bristol, made possible by Google and Generating Genius.

Generating Genius Poster

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Leinster Avenue
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