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Tips & Tricks

A series of thought-provoking recommendations for collaboration, innovation and action.

Use our Tips & Tricks as a discussion-starter and creative tool to help you reflect on your work and explore new perspectives and possibilities.

We’ve been co-designing Tips & Tricks resources since 2014, when we worked with academics and community activists to explore how they could better understand each other’s ways of working.

Current KWMC ‘Tips & Tricks’ resources include:

– Tips & Tricks from Community Activists

– Tips & Tricks for Academics Working with Communities

– Tips & Tricks for Artists and Communities Working Together

– Tips & Tricks for Living Labs (a collaboration with the European Network of Living Labs)

– Tips & Tricks for Building a Sustainable Living Lab (a collaboration with iSCAPE and the European Network of Living Labs)

Each Tips & Tricks resource pack includes 20 cards: each card displays a short statement and a colourful illustration, with advice ranging from being ‘dogged but not inflexible’ to remembering that experts should be ‘on tap, not on top’.

Tips & Tricks resources are available to purchase via our online shop; click here to see what’s in stock.

Tips & Tricks for Responsible Research & Innovation

This week Knowle West Media Centre and the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) launched a new interactive resource exploring what it means to practice Responsible Research and Innovation. Tips & Tricks for Responsible Research & Innovation offer 20 provocations to inspire and challenge people as they reflect on the topic: from the theories that underpin responsible research and innovation to the way we carry...


We regularly use Tips & Tricks resources in our Engagement Training workshops, to support organisations, Living Labs, businesses and international delegations to explore how they can develop positive relationships with communities, create an environment of trust and openness, and demonstrate the impact of their work.  This can include developing Tips and Tricks of their own to guide their work and ensure that stakeholders are involved at all levels.

Please visit the Training page for more details, or call 0117 903 0444 and ask for Penny or Rachel.


The origins of Tips & Tricks

In April 2014 Dr Sharon Irish hosted a Praxis Cafe at KWMC exploring activism in the area. Knowle West has a history of grassroots action, particularly among women.  Many have set up charities, started community initiatives and continue to strive to improve their area for everyone.  ‘Fixin’ it ourselves: women activists in Knowle West’ included discussion, personal testimony and making, and encouraged the women who attended to share their experiences, challenges and successes.

Building on the 20 years of experience and expertise of KWMC and following the event, we developed the ideas into two sets of 20 recommendations, inspired by the work and advice of the women activists: ‘Tips and Tricks for community activists’ and ‘Tips and Tricks for academics working with community activists’.

We went on to use the Tips & Tricks format in work with the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) in 2015 when we held a workshop at the 2015 ENoLL summer conference. The advice, wisdom and experiences shared during the workshop, and the subsequent contributions of Living Labs across the world, were transformed into 20 Tips & Tricks for Living Labs.

In 2018 we worked with Knowle West residents and artists to develop Tips & Tricks for Artists and Communities Working Together through our exhibition and artist residency programme Living, Working, Making Together.

With thanks to academics Dr Angela Piccini, Dr Morag McDermot and Sue Cohen for their contributions to this work.

Contact Us

Knowle West Media Centre
Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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