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IES Cities

IES Cities explored how people can use digital technologies and apps to identify and address issues in their area.

The project ran from 2013-2016, working in four pilot cities: Bristol (UK), Zaragoza (Spain), Majadahonda (Spain) and Rovereto (Italy).

In the Bristol pilot, we worked with local people and organisations to identify data that was relevant to them and life in their city. This data was used to develop and trial a series of online services and applications that were functional, engaging, innovative and relevant.

By uncovering data that’s specific to Bristol – and the communities that live here – we aimed to work together to design digital solutions for local issues. During IES Cities we drew on what we’d learned from other data projects, such as 3e Houses.

An Introduction to IES Cities

Bristol’s apps #1: Democratree

Democratree is a map-based application to enable people to propose locations for planting new trees. Democratree was conceived by a group of young people who took part in the 2013 Festival of Code, an annual event organised by Young Rewired State which supports young coders to build web or mobile apps. We worked with computing students from the University of Bristol to develop a working version of the app that was trialled in 2014-2015.

#2 & #3: MyBristol & MyKnowle West

MyBristol and My Knowle West are a ‘local social networks’ that allows users to share tips, images and inspiration with others. The apps aim to create an online community of like-minded individuals, but unlike traditional social networks – which link you to friends, colleagues or existing contacts – they bring people together who would not usually know each other. Users can create groups by organisation or interest, and the apps are integrated with other social media tools like Facebook.

My Bristol has its roots in My Knowle West and both networks can be viewed as web pages – at and respectively – or as apps on smartphones and tablets.

#4: Healthy Office

Healthy Office enables people to record how they are feeling at work from day to day – from their levels of stress to how supported they feel. During the trial period in early 2016 we hoped that using Healthy Office would encourage staff and employers to be open and supportive in discussing workplace wellbeing – and to work together to improve the office environment for everyone.

#5: YouDecide

You Decide is a free digital tool that makes it easier for people to have a say in the decisions that affect them. People can use the app to: share their thoughts and preferences for neighbourhood decisions, set up their own polls and share ideas with others, and give feedback to the Council and local organisations. During the trial period in 2015-2016, submissions made through the app were considered by decision-making bodies alongside feedback obtained through other means (such as questionnaires and consultation events).

IES Cities on the big screen at Etopia in Zaragoza, Spain

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Leinster Avenue
Knowle West
+44 (0) 117 903 0444

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